Hi! I
products & brands.
Hi! I'm Bryana and I approach design holistically.
I love meeting new people, thinking critically, and solving problems.
I believe in utilizing human-centered design, but going beyond this by adopting a people-planet mindset to create meaningful and engaging designs. My superpower lies in applying research to bring clarity to complex challenges and deliver innovative strategies.
Featured Projects
Take a peek at some of the projects I have had the pleasure to work on.
These are the tip of the iceberg, but I'm proud of all of these projects.
The Guardian
Market Research, Product Design, Concept Dev.
Conducted user-centered research and designed an ecosystem with the goal to make the NICU experience smoother and smarter for staff, parents, and especially babies.
Research, Product Development, CX
H3- Hydroponic Center
Designed a solution to implement urban farming and community hydroponics in a way that would improve the quality of life for the area's citizens and build resilience, justice, and equity within the community.
Deloitte x SCADpro
Desktop UI, Product Development, Branding
Conducted user-centered research and designed an ecosystem with the goal to make the NICU experience smoother and smarter for staff, parents, and especially babies.
Research, Product Design, Illustration
Pavel the Unruly Pot
Utilized secondary and primary research insights to develop extensive strategies for reducing energy inefficiency related to kitchen cooktop use by teaching people about simple changes they can make at the stove.